Adult Summer Reading

Come play BINGO with us and track your reading progress for a chance to win a $30 gift card to Jabberwocky!

Use the online form (linked below) to view the BINGO card and submit what you’ve read. Each submission will enter you into the raffle (even if you don’t hit BINGO). You can only submit one book per category.

Attending any program hosted by the Newburyport Public Library will also enter you into the raffle! Submit your attendance via the online form. 

You can enter your submissions at any point during the Summer Reading challenge. Three lucky winners will each win a $30 gift certificate to Jabberwocky and all winners will be drawn after the conclusion of the program. Please note, participants can only win once.

If you have any questions or would like a physical copy of the BINGO card, please speak with a reference librarian on the second floor.

The Summer Reading program runs June 8th through August 10th. 

View the BINGO card and submit your reading progress HERE!

Prizes are funded by the Friends of the Newburyport Public Library.